Volt Albania Opposes TikTok Ban: A Hasty Decision That Undermines Freedom of Expression
In a digital and democratic era, decisions to restrict access to social media platforms must be well-thought-out and supported by in-depth studies, not rushed reactions to tragic events. The recent decision by the Albanian government to ban the social media platform TikTok is a misguided approach to addressing a complex issue like violence among minors.
As the Co-President of Volt Albania, I was asked by Radio Evropa e Lirë to share my views on this matter. Here is what I believe:

1. Banning TikTok Is Not the Right Decision
Banning a social platform like TikTok is an extreme measure that restricts freedom of expression, a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. TikTok, like any other platform, may host problematic content, but the responsibility lies in how it is used, not in its existence. Instead of banning platforms, we should build regulatory frameworks that address the issues without infringing on freedoms.
2. An Effective Regulator, Not Drastic Bans, Is Needed
I have proposed a concrete draft for creating a special structure within the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA). This structure would act as a regulator for social media posts, ensuring that inappropriate content is filtered without the need for total platform bans. With a cost of €6–8 million for establishment and professional training and approximately €2 million annually for maintenance, this model is economically feasible and far more effective than an outright ban. In fact, the cost is manageable for the government budget, particularly when compared to other expenditures, such as the €19 million annual agreement with the Italian government for the refugee camp over the next five years.
3. Banning TikTok Does Not Address the Root Cause of Violence Among Minors
The tragic case of a minor, used as a justification for banning TikTok, has revealed other shortcomings. As reports confirmed, neither the victim nor the perpetrator had TikTok accounts. Furthermore, the videos posted after the incident were shared on another platform, Snapchat. This highlights that the problem does not lie in any specific platform but in the lack of education and care within families and schools.
4. The Solution Lies in Education
Issues such as violence among minors have deep roots in families and the education system. We need to focus on strengthening the chain of education, starting with the family as the foundational pillar of social development, and increasing the engagement of pedagogical staff in schools.
Volt Albania firmly believes that decisions impacting citizens and their freedoms must be well-researched, sustainable, and in alignment with fundamental human rights. Instead of implementing drastic bans, let us build stronger frameworks and invest in education to secure a better future for the next generation.
Ardit Minarolli
Co- President of Volt Albania